Friday, March 9, 2007

Calling Grand Central

I recently started working at Grand Central, helping coordinate a survey project for MetroNorth. The details of this job and also my near complete separation from CRC, are kind of convoluted, dramatic, and, in the end, not all that interesting. So I won't put it up here. BUT - I did want to throw up a cool moment for me.

But first, a childhood story.

Growing up, sometimes I remember that our phone used to ring, seemingly, off the hook. I remember seeing annoyed looks on Dad's face when he would offhandedly complain, "Geeze… what is this? Grand Central station!?"

I would chuckle and think about the idea of "Grand Central," a mysterious place in the center of New York where the hustle and bustle of the big city made for crazy times.

This past week, while at my new job, one of the other guys down here was on the phone pretty much non-stop for a couple hours. Every time he’d put down the phone, a new call would come in – different person, different issue. Towards the end of the calls, it just got ridiculous, and I found myself wanting to say, in the words of my father, “What is this? Grand Central station?”

And then realized that this WAS, in fact, GRAND CENTRAL STATION! And I was working here, full with keys and an ID badge, talking to station managers, in what was once a mysterious place, where the hustle and bustle of the big city made for crazy times.

And it totally made my day. =)

Grand Central - can you find me? jk. I'm not really in the picture…


Anonymous said...

Funny story! AWESOME picture!! You have an artist in you.

Anonymous said...

It was like Grand Central Station at work today... and i thought of you...

annehawk said...

Hey Zach - I'm up in Washington visiting my mom and she was giving me the update on your mom, you, and your sister - then she thought - "Hey, you should just go read his blog!" - I'm glad to hear all is going well. My not as interesting book blog is at - I was very happy to see you have The Brothers K listed as one of your favorites :) Take care and best of luck with everything

annehawk said...

I'm actually in seattle, Washington, not Washington DC (jeez, you move to the east coast, and you forget all about places out here?!?)...just here for the weekend. I have heard of The traveling Couch, but haven't read it...I will definitely check it out. Hope you're doing well and enjoying the tournament, despite Stanford's horrible performance.