Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sunday Blues

Had a pretty good day today - spent a lot of it relaxing… read a little (Dave Eggers' You Shall Know Our Velocity), and had some time to mess around with some ideas for my friend's commercial (I think I wrote about this earlier - HS friend asked me to write some music for him). This evening I was even able to just lounge around with my guitar playing with no purpose at all. The best! It was nice to have time to do music today…

But tomorrow is Monday - and I go back to work… loooong sigh. G'night!


Anonymous said...

Take care of your soul every day!
(sounds like words of wisdom out of a fortune cookie, doesn't it?)

Anonymous said...

I had a headache yesterday and was pretty much incapacitated once I got home from work. It turned out that the only thing I could do was play the guitar. I strapped on the National Steel and played Bluebird (Stephen Stills) over and over while wandering around the house. I'm glad you were able to do it. I highly recommend regular engagement in the activity.