Thursday, November 1, 2007


Oh no! I completely missed October! I had planned to write at least once a month… but, as my dad just wrote me (quoting from the movie U-Turn, I think): Nothing makes the Great Spirit laugh harder than men's plans.

Ain’t that the truth.

Anyway – the quick update is that things are busy but good. I just got back from a 6-day film shoot out in West Virginia (beautiful!), doing production sound mixing for an NYU Student Film. I’m hoping that I get a chance to work with the film in post-production as well. It was a lot of fun – really awesome people and a great experience. Doing sound for a movie, it turns out, is extremely different from doing studio music recording, but there were a lot of really experienced people on the set to help me figure stuff out. AND… turned out that one of the people on the shoot was from Portland… went to Lincoln High… and was in the same graduating class as Nick!!! He was like, “Nick Katagiri? Yeah, I know him. We used to party together. Football player. Really good too. And a great artist. We all loved him!” So that was a trip.

I’ll post some pics from the shoot.

Other than that, I’m just doing the school thing and trying to make the most of that. I had to miss some class to go to West Virginia, but I figured that opportunities like that were the reason I was in school in the first place.

I also got into a study abroad seminar that will take me to London for two weeks in January, before the Spring semester starts, looking at the music there in particular and thinking about international music management in general. Part of the curriculum involves going to concerts that the professor will set up for us. I’m pretty excited about that – sounded like she’s got a good track record of finding good up-and-coming bands.

And… I hesitate to write this because I realize it’s kind of cliché, but I’m in the process of writing a book. I’m half-hoping that this declaration will ensure that I don’t leave it on a back-burner. It’s been a lot of fun so far and I’m really enjoying the process, if nothing else. I hope I can finish it… but at the same time I can already hear the Great Spirit laughing.

I hope you are all well!!

Sound stuff…

Location at mid-day…

Scott, our director, talking with two of the principal actors…

At sundown…

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Old New Apartment

So I've had these pictures up on my desktop for a while now, but keep running out of time to post about my new apartment - and the apartment doesn't really seem "new" anymore. I've been here for almost a month now… and like it a lot. I keep telling people that it's probably the nicest place I'll EVER live, which probably just says more about the kind of lifestyle I expect to have as a starving musician. But maybe if I visualize hard enough I can live like this forever. ;)

Anyway - the place, as I said, is nice (at least for me). It's down on Wall Street, a couple blocks from the NY Stock Exchange, so I see a lot of suits and get to be part of a lot of reverse commutes, which is nice. There's a 24-hour doorman who knows all our faces and names, and there's got to be a lot of us since there are 15 or so rooms on each of 30+ floors. They have all these valet services that I'll likely never use, and there's a pretty new gym that I hope to use more than I'm sure I will. Anyway - here are a couple other perks…

The lounge, complete with couches, wireless internet, pool tables, card tables, private study rooms, board games, and a grand piano.

The roof-deck… would have a nicer view if ALL the buildings out here weren't so tall…

And the movie theater where they show movies every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday…

Anyway - so that's where I live. Other than that, school is going well… I'm only taking two classes, one on Digital Audio Processing and another on Music in Film. They are technically and theoretically over my head, respectively, but I'm enjoying the challenge, and meeting a lot of really interesting people, many of whom are older and already have a lot of the kinds of work experiences I would be stoked to have.

Aaaaaand, I'm still working at Grand Central, though we're hoping to be done-done by the end of October. I still think it's a good gig, but I've had just about enough of my windowless dungeon to last me for this life.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Good girl!

Adrianne is with Ellie one day and asks, "Is Ellie a good girl?" Ellie responds, "No. Zach… good girl."


Okay - here are some pics…

The family!

Proud Uncle

Mommy and her girls…


Ellie monkeys around!

Tummy Time!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Adrianne and Steve make such beautiful babies!

I'm up in Everett again for about two weeks trying to spend as much time with my nieces as possible since I'm not sure when the next chance I'll get to spend this kind of extended time with them will be.

Cara is so much bigger than she was the last time I saw her, and that seems like just yesterday! She's spending a lot of "tummy time," where we put her on her front so that she can work out her muscles in her neck (holding up her head) and strengthen up her arms for crawling. She's super alert and really likes to look around the room. Sometimes I think she could do that forever. I remember that the last time I was here, I remarked that Cara helped me understand where the phrase "sleeps like a baby" came from. That has completely changed - or else, maybe Cara's just not a baby anymore…

Ellie is also cute as can be and is talking more and more. She seemed to remember me and all the things we did together last time I was here (and seemingly enjoyed the games we played enough to want to do them again), which was really nice. I think that this is the first time that I haven't felt like we were getting to know each other all over again.

Anyway, there will be more pics to come, no doubt, but here are some to whet the appetite:

Tummy time!

Ellie shows off all the art projects she did with Mommy! Adrianne, you and Ellie are so creative!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

To my friend, the exotic dancer:

Since coming to New York, I’ve heard friends talk about the many fun, summer activities here. As I sit at my laptop, once again on the west coast, in my email inbox are literally half-a-dozen emails from friends with lists of things to do in the city during the summer. Passport Fridays, for example, are a series of events out in Queens where, every Friday, you can go to a museum and celebrate a particular culture with dance lessons, movies, and music. Shakespeare is constantly playing in the park… and outdoor movie showings are frequent frequents. I know it’s small but having never spent a summer here, after two years, almost feels like unfinished business.

I guess that’s what “next” summers are for. Siiiigh.

As if the city didn’t have enough to do in-and-of-itself, I had to spend some of my short, two weeks there (all the time I’ve been in New York since late May) packing and moving into what will be my new apartment on Wall Street (which I will go into more detail about when I finally move in and can provide pictures).

In an attempt to move the least amount of stuff, I’ve been selling unnecessary things. I posted some items on craigslist, and others I described on flyers that I taped up in the laundry rooms in our apartment complex.

So. My friend, the exotic dancer.

Friday, mid-day, while packing/moving my stuff, I get a call. It’s a woman’s voice, energetic and excitable, like a young person, but with a certain rough, weathered, hint of gravel.

“Hi, is this Zach?”


“Hi. I’m Laura…”

“Uh… hi, Laura.”

“Hi. I saw your flyer in the laundry room. I think I want to buy your air-conditioner.”

“Oh, yeah? Cool. Ok. I’m actually in the middle of things right now – are you around later tonight? I could drop it by, or you could pick it up… I don’t know how late you stay awake, but I’m usually up pretty late.”

“Mmm… no… I can’t do that. I work the graveyard shift.”

“Oh, ok.”

“I’m a dancer.”

“Oh… ok… well…”

“An exotic dancer.”

“Oh… uh, cool. Umm… well… tomorrow is my last day here, so, if tonight doesn’t work, then how about tomorrow morning? My lease here is up and they kick me out at 1, so does anytime before then work for you?”

“Perfect. I’m up by noon for sure. Call me then?”


“What else do you have? I need all sorts of little things…”

“Hmm… I have a broom… you want that?”

“Oh yeah! It’ll save on parking.”


“You didn’t get that at all did you?”

“Huh? Get what?”

“Like a witch. Flying on a broomstick? Saves parking? It’s okay.”

“Oh. Heh. Sorry, I’m just having a hectic day, so it’s hard for me to focus. Why don’t I just call you tomorrow around noon and we can talk more then.”

Saturday morning… I call as promised at noon. We agreed to meet up in the courtyard so she could show me how to get to her room. She was a self-described petite, blonde, “couldn’t miss me” kind of girl… and she was. I’d even go so far as to say she was pretty cute, though there was something definitely a little off about her. Not necessarily off-putting, just off. All she wanted were the AC unit and broom. In return, she gives me $20, all in ones…

As we’re wrapping up our business together, she starts asking me a little bit about myself: where I’m from, where I’m moving to, what I do in the New York… turns out she’s a recent transplant from Florida, loving life in the city. The subways, she tells me, are her favorite part.

I begin saying goodbye when she tells me:

“It was really nice meeting you.”

“Oh. Yeah…” and for lack of anything better to say, “best of luck…”

“Yeah… you know, it’s funny. Even though I work in a place where I meet a lot of guys, I don’t really ever make any friends.”

“Mm-hm. Well… (shrug)”

“No normal guys there, you know? Plus they all like to drink, and I don’t… (nervous laughter)”


And as her eyes began to water, she blurts out, “I’m really just looking for a friend. I just need a nice, normal friend.”


I didn’t know what to say. My heart began to break a little, and, out of pity, I almost offered to be her friend. But to what end? I didn’t really want to be her friend. And to be completely honest, I was a little weirded out by where this interaction was going.

But I couldn’t just leave her like that – tearing up and "just wanting a friend". And seeing her start to cry like that made me begin to WANT to help her. So I told her, “Well, you know… I’m leaving the city for a while, but there are all these things that I would have wanted to do had I been here. You should check them out…”

I began to tell her about passport Fridays, Midsummer’s Night Swing (dancing) at Lincoln Center, and all the other summer events I was sad to have to leave behind. As I did, I could see the sadness evaporate from her body as she excitedly jotted down a list of things to look up.

I, too, felt a certain sense of relief thinking about how, even if I couldn’t personally enjoy some of these events myself, I was at least able to pass along the potential for good times to someone else – someone who probably needed them more than me.

I attempted to leave again and I wished her luck once more. She responded, this time, with a smile and a thanks. As I walked back to my own apartment, I felt overwhelmingly cheesy thinking that, just then, a lot more had been exchanged that a few dollars, an AC unit, and easy parking.

So this one goes out to Laura. I hope you find some friends tucked away somewhere in this great, big, city. With complete sincerity, best of luck.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Kids say the darndest things…

A lot of books that Ellie reads depict families similar to hers. They have a mother, a father, and, usually, at least one kid. She is very good at pointing to the mother and saying "Mamma," pointing to the father and saying "Daddy," and pointing to the child and saying "Ellie." She can do this with any familial set of things. She can identify a particular fish on one of her plastic cups as either the "Momma," "Daddy," "Ellie," or "baby."

So. The other day, Adrianne is reading to her and comes to this page:

Ellie points to the child on the left and says, "Ellie." Next she points to the cat on the floor and says, "Mommy."

Then she points to the baby dumping cereal on his own head and says, "Zach."

Adrianne laughs and says, "Don't you mean Cara?"

Ellie shakes her head and repeats, definitively, "No. Zach."

What?! Admittedly, I'm a little goofy sometimes. Especially with my nieces… but really?! =)

Mom and Dad came up for the weekend - it was so nice!

Fun at the park!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Play time!

Just got finished feeding Cara… there's something so peaceful about a baby and a bottle. I felt mesmerized…

I should share this though: usually the drill is, Cara wakes, diaper change, feed, rock to sleep… HOWEVER when I've done it, it's more like: Cara wakes, diaper change, feed, feel her poo while she eats… finish eating, diaper change, rock to sleep, but hear her poo again! So diaper change again, and then finish rocking to sleep… I'm going to have to ask Adrianne and Steve is that's normal.

Anyway, here are some videos of good times with Ellie… she gets really loud when she gets excited, and while I don't want to be the cause of unruly commotion in a house with a sleeping baby and exhausted parents, it's just too much fun!

Adrianne says that when I get older and have my own kids it's gonna be payback time. Even though it's out of character for her, and her own kids will probably think she's gone mad, she says she's going to run screaming through my house getting my kids as excited as possible… lol… can't wait to see that! Bring it on!

Tickling Ellie (click to view movie)

It just doesn't get old for me… (click to view movie)

Ring Around the Rosie (click to view movie)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Pictures and Videos!

Hey all… here are some links to videos taken in the past week, as well as some pictures… enjoy!

Cara's Debut (Click to see movie)
"Stop!" (Click to see movie)

Cara's Wild Ride (Click to see movie)

Jumping (Click to see movie)

Cara on her spaceship-bed! (don't ask, just be jealous)

Ellie loves Cara!

Wheelin' around!

Sistine Chapel?

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Cara came home and whoa… she's TINY! But beautiful… amazing… mind blowing…

They say a picture is worth a thousand words… here are six-thousand…

Adrianne holding Cara at the hospital…

The proud father…

The excited uncle…

The tables have turned for Ellie!

Ellie giving her little sis a reassuring hand…

Wait, is this a Normal Rockwell? I didn't know he painted Asian families!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

So sweet, so shy…

I took Ellie out for Japanese food last night and the waitress there thought she was so cute that when we were done eating she came out with a little hairpin for her and clipped it on. Ellie is so shy though, that she didn't even crack a smile until we left the restaurant, at which point she touched the hairpin and began to waddle-dance back to the car giggling. =)

For those of you who I haven't had the chance to tell… Adrianne had Cara (the new baby) at 9:30pm on Sunday, June 3. This was the same day that I was on a train up to Everett, so when I got in, I picked up Ellie and took back to their home where I have been learning how to care for a 2-yr-old in a sort of sink or swim manner. I now feel quite expert at changing poopy diapers!

I try to have music on all the time - and so I will bring Ellie over to the CD player, load in a CD, and we take a few steps away and both crouch down with our hands cupped at our ears, pointed towards the speakers… and when the music starts to play I gasp and stand up straight, as if startled - and she gets really excited, laughs, and runs around for a couple seconds before settling down. She's so good! Anyway - today I put on Sarah MacLachlan and she does her routine and then pauses and points to the speakers and asks, "Mommy?" Lol! I guess I know which CDs Adrianne sings along with! =)

Adrianne and Steve should be coming home on Thursday after dinner, so the next post should have some pics of Caralyn Yuriko Kwak! I, for one, cannot wait to meet her!

Ellie goes grocery shopping!

Ellie with her new hairpin.

Ellie at breakfast.

Ellie all clean!

Friday, June 1, 2007


Here are a few pics (thanks, Dad - you took some really awesome ones). I really can't express how amazing Ellie is. I had a funny thought today, though…

So I have this thing with people I love, where, because I love them already, and I love little kids in general, I often think, "How cool would it be to know so-and-so as a kid (or sometimes just as a younger version)!" I used to always wonder what it would be like, for example, to go to high school with my mom and dad as my peers… or to play with kid-versions of my current friends as, say, an assistant camp-counselor (i.e. not a disciplinarian) for some summer program. Wouldn't that be the best?! I could tell them that one day they would grow up to be wonderful people, and know I was telling the truth. Plus - just think of all the cute stories I could tell them about themselves when I got back to reality!

In any case, Ellie looks so much like kid-pictures of Adrianne that sometimes I think, there but for fortune this could BE Adrianne as a kid! But knowing a little-Adrianne has extra significance for me because it would also be like a chance for me to reciprocate all the love, support, and care-taking that she gave me as the-most-wonderful-older-sister-in-the-world when I was young. It’s a weird thought, I know, but makes it that much more fun to play with Ellie. =)

Anyway - enjoy the pics! Isn't she adorable?!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Does anyone remember this old game? With the little bouncing ball?… disappearing the colored "bricks"?… well, right now that little ball is me… I'm bouncing off the walls…

Part of my exuberance might be due to fact that I'm a little loopy from being on hour 39 of a 40 hour shift over here at Grand Central and am both tiiiiired and excited to be so close to a shower and some sleep… but mostly, I think, I'm happy because I'm really looking forward to the next couple of months and all good times I'm going to have with the wonderful people I'm going to see… so if you're one of them… here's to you! =)

Like, whoa.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Just got back from a short little vacation to Montreal with Mom and Dad! We went around and saw some of the touristy sights (Notre Dame, Old Montreal, the connected shopping areas that stretch for miles underground etc) and ate a LOT of really good food… mmm… it’s still sitting nicely in my belly – and will likely be keeping me company in some way, shape, or form (probably one you will be able to see on my body) for a while =).

Anyway – a couple pics for your enjoyment…

The Basilica of Notre Dame.

Dad looking "GQ," as Adrianne put it.

Mom eavesdropping on some gossip in Old Montreal.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Ah yes.

I promised photos. But, sadly, Kate's camera is, without debate, faaar superior to mine, and so when it came time to take pictures - why wouldn't we use the better camera? Which means that the pictures we DO have are wonderfully megapixeled - but for the time being they are on her camera, which is traveling around Dubai at the moment. Siiiiigh.

The pictures I probably would have wanted to post would have been from Cinque Terre - a beautiful little string of five towns along the Mediterranean where Kate took me for my birthday. There were walking paths and hiking trails that connected each town, and stops along the way where we climbed down and sat right along the sea and relaxed. Gorgeous.

It was of a shock to come back here and find myself back within the confines of "the cage." But I am coming up on the last 21 or so days of this job - and have a lot of things to look forward to in the coming months: a trip to Montreal with Mom and Dad later this week, then less than two weeks working back here in the city before a week back home (Oregon-home) at the end of May, Everett to be with Steve, Adrianne, Ellie, and the new baby for most of June, and then Michigan to visit Kate after that. By the time I get back to NY in July my lease will be ending and I'll be moving into a new (nicer) apartment and gearing up for school.

As a parting thought, I'd like to comment on the new ad campaign by Reebok. I don't know if you guys have seen it, but I think it's kind of interesting. The basic premise is to encourage people to enjoy exercise and "run easy." One of its ads, in particular, struck me as interesting because it ran contrary to a Nike ad from my childhood that had always resonated with me. The Nike ad was of a runner crossing the finish line, black and white film, she is panting and out of breath, looking miserable - clearly just finishing somewhere in the middle of the pack. A voice-over comes on and tells you that if you cross the finish line and don't collapse, you could have run faster. Somehow I always found that inspiring. Give it your all! The Reebok ad that referenced that ad spun the situation to focus on how miserable the person was, trying to give 99.9%… and told the viewer that it wasn't worth that degree of exertion if they ended up feeling awful. And I guess I like that message too. Enjoyment through moderation. So now I'm torn. Nike and Reebok have caused me to question the kind of lifestyle that I aspire to lead =). Wonderful. I'm such a mindless consumer of media messages.

Ha! And with that, I wish you all well, and hope that you are finding time to get out and enjoy the spring/beginnings of summer! AND I hope that you are all able to take it easy a little bit.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Cage

Over here at Grand Central, my coworkers and I all very affectionately call our "office," located in "the bowels" of the station, our "cage"… mainly because just around the corner, to the right of what you can see in the picture below, is a stairwell leading up the tracks, that is very cage-like. Our office space, which is just under 5 feet wide, and 16 feet deep or so, is where I typically spend 14 hours a day, 7 days a week. We got Easter, Good Friday, Passover, and St. Patrick's Day off - all of which were awesome days. I think the next one is Mother's Day. All are days off because they affect rider-ship on the trains, and so the MTA isn't interested in collecting data.

That said - I love this job and frequently tell Janet (my friend who hooked me into it) that this is the best job I think I'll ever have. She always tells me that she seriously hopes I'm wrong. But there really are a lot of perks once you get past the space and the hours. For instance, the work is very straight forward - so it's very easy for anyone to feel very competent down here - and, I have about 100 surveyors deferring to me as if I'm important (which is a trip since most of them are in their 40s… doesn't feel right most of the time, actually) and, more importantly, there is a lot of down time. Hours between trains that I fill preparing for future days, and, when I've done all the preparations that can reasonably be made, I spend my time reading, surfing the internet, applying for scholarships, writing emails, talking on the phone, and playing the guitar (yes - I have a guitar and all the privacy I could want to play without fear of disturbing anyone/making a fool of myself): all of which my employers are totally fine with.

Other than that, I'm going to Florence again to visit Kate on Thursday and am excitedly bouncing off the white walls down here in anticipation! I'll be sure to post some pics when I get back. Hope you are all doing well!

"The Cage"

Thursday, March 22, 2007


I've hesitated to put this up here because I'm still not sure if I'm going to do it - but for now, it seems likely that I'll enroll in an MFA program in Music Technology at NYU. It's a two year program that would 1) keep me in this awesome city, 2) get me a masters, 3) allow me to do the things I love to do (music and recording) and call it school, and 4) hook me into NY networks for music producing that could eventually land me a job (I hope!).

Until then, I'm going to work as much as I can to save up for the impending rent/tuition/etc. (i.e. financial doom) and travel while I have the time - all of which is really exciting for me.

I'm still loving my gig over at Grand Central… the work is straight forward, and there is a lot of down time where I am able to play my guitar (I wrote a song at work the other day!), write emails, read, search for scholarships, and check my facebook account (!) etc… the best part is that all of this is totally condoned (even encouraged) by my boss, who knows how the work comes and goes in swells.

Last night, while taking a water break, I ran into a fellow teacher from my days over at PS 53. As I'm leaning down to get a drink, I hear, "Mr. Katagiri!" and froze, thinking , "Mr. Katagiri? I haven't been Mr. Katagiri for months! That was an ancient incarnation! I'm just plain old Zach now!" I looked up and it was Mrs. Kwame - who I was happy to see - and we spent almost half-an-hour catching up. She cheerfully gave me updates on all my old students, and, having no emotional memory for negative feelings, I began to really miss those days… =)

Maybe when classes start up for me in September I can give my profs a little hell as a tribute to my old class, 3-305. =)

Hope you all are doing well!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Calling Grand Central

I recently started working at Grand Central, helping coordinate a survey project for MetroNorth. The details of this job and also my near complete separation from CRC, are kind of convoluted, dramatic, and, in the end, not all that interesting. So I won't put it up here. BUT - I did want to throw up a cool moment for me.

But first, a childhood story.

Growing up, sometimes I remember that our phone used to ring, seemingly, off the hook. I remember seeing annoyed looks on Dad's face when he would offhandedly complain, "Geeze… what is this? Grand Central station!?"

I would chuckle and think about the idea of "Grand Central," a mysterious place in the center of New York where the hustle and bustle of the big city made for crazy times.

This past week, while at my new job, one of the other guys down here was on the phone pretty much non-stop for a couple hours. Every time he’d put down the phone, a new call would come in – different person, different issue. Towards the end of the calls, it just got ridiculous, and I found myself wanting to say, in the words of my father, “What is this? Grand Central station?”

And then realized that this WAS, in fact, GRAND CENTRAL STATION! And I was working here, full with keys and an ID badge, talking to station managers, in what was once a mysterious place, where the hustle and bustle of the big city made for crazy times.

And it totally made my day. =)

Grand Central - can you find me? jk. I'm not really in the picture…

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Snowshoes and Hot Tubs

I spent this past weekend up at a lodge in Vermont with Benji, Arielle, and her uncle, dad, brother, and his wife. It was a nice little break from the city, and I spent a lot of time being cozy on a couch, reading and playing guitar.

We made pretty good use of a hot tub on the back deck, which, despite the snow and cold, kept us quite warm. And during the days, most people went skiing while I stayed back to relax (I'm not much of a skier… and right now have this thing (don't ask) on my foot that is quite painful, so I try to keep off of it when I can). I did make it out for a short while to go snowshoeing around the property though, which was a lot of fun. Here are some pictures:

Full Moon in Vermont.

Moose Crossing!


As decked out in winter gear as I get.