Wednesday, June 6, 2007

So sweet, so shy…

I took Ellie out for Japanese food last night and the waitress there thought she was so cute that when we were done eating she came out with a little hairpin for her and clipped it on. Ellie is so shy though, that she didn't even crack a smile until we left the restaurant, at which point she touched the hairpin and began to waddle-dance back to the car giggling. =)

For those of you who I haven't had the chance to tell… Adrianne had Cara (the new baby) at 9:30pm on Sunday, June 3. This was the same day that I was on a train up to Everett, so when I got in, I picked up Ellie and took back to their home where I have been learning how to care for a 2-yr-old in a sort of sink or swim manner. I now feel quite expert at changing poopy diapers!

I try to have music on all the time - and so I will bring Ellie over to the CD player, load in a CD, and we take a few steps away and both crouch down with our hands cupped at our ears, pointed towards the speakers… and when the music starts to play I gasp and stand up straight, as if startled - and she gets really excited, laughs, and runs around for a couple seconds before settling down. She's so good! Anyway - today I put on Sarah MacLachlan and she does her routine and then pauses and points to the speakers and asks, "Mommy?" Lol! I guess I know which CDs Adrianne sings along with! =)

Adrianne and Steve should be coming home on Thursday after dinner, so the next post should have some pics of Caralyn Yuriko Kwak! I, for one, cannot wait to meet her!

Ellie goes grocery shopping!

Ellie with her new hairpin.

Ellie at breakfast.

Ellie all clean!

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