Monday, June 25, 2007

Kids say the darndest things…

A lot of books that Ellie reads depict families similar to hers. They have a mother, a father, and, usually, at least one kid. She is very good at pointing to the mother and saying "Mamma," pointing to the father and saying "Daddy," and pointing to the child and saying "Ellie." She can do this with any familial set of things. She can identify a particular fish on one of her plastic cups as either the "Momma," "Daddy," "Ellie," or "baby."

So. The other day, Adrianne is reading to her and comes to this page:

Ellie points to the child on the left and says, "Ellie." Next she points to the cat on the floor and says, "Mommy."

Then she points to the baby dumping cereal on his own head and says, "Zach."

Adrianne laughs and says, "Don't you mean Cara?"

Ellie shakes her head and repeats, definitively, "No. Zach."

What?! Admittedly, I'm a little goofy sometimes. Especially with my nieces… but really?! =)

Mom and Dad came up for the weekend - it was so nice!

Fun at the park!


Anonymous said...


Done with my children's book conference, so catching up on your blog. I need to get you the book, Adventures of Cow. :)

Zach said...

haha… okay! I fixed it! Thanks =).